Wednesday, March 24, 2010


and none of my pants fit me.  I knew I should've saved those 3's.  Poopsicles!

3 holla'd back:

Admin said...

You're loosing weight and I'm gaining it!! And you weigh less than me now! I'm at 110 after gaining 3 pounds since going off gluten... but I feel great so it's all good. :) What have you been doing? Eating healthier? Exercise? And what else have you been up to.. it's been forever sista.

The Hoot-Owl Harangue said...

man!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to be your weight! lol I've lost 20 pounds since January. I'm trying really hard, but it's so... hard! lol I've got such a long way to go, but I'll take the 20! holla!

sandi said...

April, you could use a little weight, cutie!

Angie, that is AWESOME! Holla!

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