Monday, December 1, 2008

Rebirth of Our Computer--a Great Fix You Must Know About!

Or maybe I'm the last to know, but anyway, our computer has been slowly dying for about 6 months now. The past few weeks have been pure torture. Seriously, I would click on Outlook Express, then go do something else while it opened. And if, Heaven forbid, we'd try to have more than two programs running at once...CRASH AND BURN, baby. It was super freaking annoying. I couldn't even do my job, so I quit. (That's kinda funny now.)

I figured my RAM was being sucked up by the million behind-the-scenes programs running. I did the anti-spy, the defrag, the clean-up, the lah-di-dah, the this 'n that, EVERYTHING.

Nothing helped.

So finally I ran across this thingamabob that claimed it could clean and repair my registry and my problems would be solved and life would be joyous again. I checked it out. It was $45, a little steep. But still, cheaper than a new computer, and if it didn't work I would argue with them and get my money back. Or at least, in my head I would get my money back.

So I shelled out the $45 and got this program. (It's just for Windows XP, by the way.)

I ran the diagnostics. In less than 5 minutes, it found like 300 errors in my registry. I click "Repair," and in less than a second, VOILA! Computer is running like new!

Life is beautiful!

GelaSkins Inc.

2 holla'd back:

Admin said...

Okay, my Windows XP computer has been acting a lot like yours, only not as bad. It totally stinks that it takes so long to do everything & I can see it's getting worse too... Still not as bad as yours, but when you're on the computer way too much as it is, you just want to get it all done and not be sitting there waiting for it to work, you know? Anyways, I'm going to check out this program. If it helps I'm going to take you out to eat. :)

sandi said...

Sweet! I hope it works!

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