Every so often, i like to list out my day. I used to do it in my written journals, but since i haven't written on paper (other than grocery lists) in just about forever, i thought i would do it here. I like looking back on these things and comparing. It's a good way to see if i'm heading in the right direction.
So, right now, my days kinda look like this:
- Eyes pop open between 5 and 6 a.m.
- I look over at Bryce, note the shape of his nose, how peaceful he looks sleeping (yes, still in our bed; i'm so not ready to let that go)
- I snuggle up next to Todd
- We turn on NBC news (because i love The Today Show, which comes on at 7)
- We talk about the day or whatever's on our minds
- We weigh ourselves and somtimes check body fat percentages
- Todd gets ready for work while i head to the computer to check email and sometimes blog
- If it's a running day, i force water down and do a 2-4 mile run (current pace ~9:35 mile) and sometimes lift weights
- If i have a JDRF ODST email assignment that day, i answer it immediately (i don't like to keep people waiting for answers to their questions about type 1 diabetes, especially those having a hard time with it)
- I check message boards or Facebook (no Fb today; decompressing)
- Work (editing photos or revamping something in the studio, usually)
- I wait for Bryce to wake up, then we read books together
- After books, Bryce watches toons while i clean the kitchen (i rarely do it at night; i hate doing it then)
- Bryce has breakfast, sometimes i do too.
- Allie and Zane sleep in like the teens they are...i'll see them in the afternoon (enjoy it, kiddos! skool starts in less than a week!)
- Bryce and i play Candyland and other games until i think i'll go bonkers and i tell him it's time to go play while i...
- ...read or work on a project (which is currently completely revamping our photog biz and working on a plan to move to Virginia; i'm really missing my mom lately--we're finally in a good place together, knock on wood, haha) or search the internet for the latest in Hello Kitty
- Lunch falls in there somewhere...we never have set times for eating; we eat when we're hungry
- Run errands with or without kids; sometimes fun things
- Todd gets home (which is usually pretty late in summer) and gets cleaned up
- We talk about our days; he always has a weird or funny story
- We often hang out in our bedroom closet, which has become our sitting room and has entertaining things in there (our weights are also in there). Bwahahahahaha! (Todd, i know this will crack us up in the future)
- Dinner (which Todd usually cooks, since we do mostly protein and i'm not a cooker of meats) and hanging with the fam
- Shoot a photo session, if scheduled
- Occasionaly let Allie drive us around (which is getting less scary)
- We try to watch some t.v.; had gotten out of tv for a while, but i find it very amusing and entertaining (much to the annoyance of tv snobs everywhere). Our fave shows: Lie to Me, Pushing Daisies, Dexter, Weeds, all those dance shows (Todd watches more just to hang out with me, i think), or we watch a movie (up next: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo)
- Private time
- Sleep
- Weird dreams; in the last, i was in Baghdad and was observing 3 women, one of whom took a crap in the middle of an alley. i won't go into detail...tmi even for me and it was my dream.
- We do the hokey pokey and we turn ourselves around. That's what it's all about.
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